Ada Firefighters Ninja Warrior for Kids

This will be a Ninja Warrior style competition for kids ages 4-17. The first 250 entries receive a medal. Competitors ages 4-9 will compete between 11:00 am & 1:30 pm. Registration begins at 10:00 am OUTSIDE the Big Red Barn. Must be registered by 10:45 am. Competitors ages 10-17 will compete between 2:00 pm & 3:30 pm. Competitors in the 10-17 age group can register at 10:00 am OUTSIDE the Big Red Barn, or at 1:00 pm INSIDE the Big Red Barn. Must be registered by 1:30 pm. Age groups will be as follows and age the day of competition is what matters.
Date/Time: 10/21/2016 10:00 AM - 10/21/2016 4:00 PM
Location: Pontotoc County Agrigplex in Ada, OK
Contact Information: Daniel Manuel
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